Pepsi Reverse Vending Booth Pays You to Recycle

In this recycling success feature, we look at Pepsi’s new idea to encourage recycling by buying back their used cans and bottles.

While the traditional vending booths require money to offer the beverages, there’s a new one that buys back the empties. Dubbed ‘The Dream Machine’ this is a brilliant idea implemented in New York. Pepsi sponsors it in conjunction with Keep America Beautiful and Waste Management.

The system is basically a GreenOps computerised booth that has been designed to scan the barcodes of empty aluminium cans and PET plastic bottles. After that, it awards depositors points which can be redeemed for prizes on the Greenopolis website or at the host’s venues.

Since their introduction over a decade ago, ‘The Dream Machines’ have recycled millions of plastic bottles and metal cans which would have otherwise ended up in the landfills, or the ocean.

The Pepsi Reverse Vending Booth is a great way to ensure we reduce plastic pollution as well as the exploitation of our natural resources. If adopted by other beverage companies, we could at least minimise the impact of pollution on mother nature.
