Recycling: Why It Matters

Do you ever stop and wonder why recycling is so important? There are a number of good reasons for that. You can find some of them here.

We Are Facing A Worldwide Crisis

Humanity is at a turning point. Due to pollution and destruction of the environment, the future looks bleak.

Anthropogenic global warming, also known as man-made global warming, is a scientific fact. That was made abundantly clear once again in 2013, as the IPCC noted that “climate change is unequivocal”, and that “human influence is at least 95% certain”.

In addition, the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that up to as much as 75% of all waste in the states is actually recyclable. Only about 30% is currently recycled though. As a species, we generate almost 22 million tons of food waste each year.

Indeed, as a species, we face a worldwide crisis. And that’s the main reason why recycling matters.

Recycling: A Huge Business Opportunity

Businesses, such as Aim’n, that proactively begin working with recycling will likely end up with competitive advantages. By transforming to sustainable production, their image will improve, and money will be saved.

Recycling: The Obvious Choice For The Future

It is expected that we will begin observing shortages in terms of resources and energy in the future. As such, it is of utmost importance that we begin transforming how we deal with resources and production. By recycling products, not only do we improve environmental affairs. We also save money.
